elf on the shelf is cray, cray but really so i'm! | klutch photography | Surrey family photography

Ya guess what i am that crazy mom, you know the one that makes you feel like ass for just moving your elf in another corner of the room.  yep, that's me.  here's the thing, this has nothing to do with making anyone feel bad and it has everything to do with fuelling my creative soul over the holidays!  AND extending the magic of christmas for my children!  


and no i'm not blowing smoke up your chimney (ha,ha couldn't help using that one, with it being christmas and all).  sadly kids only "believe" in the magic for so long and for me to watch their faces every morning to the complete cray, cray of the elf  (or elves) is a total joy, almost better then xmas morning...seriously!  

it's worth the late nights, anxiety and stress of them waking up to me conjuring up a elly the elf scene

this will be our forth year and lord only knows what will happen but every year someone or something joins elly in her "helpful adventures".   i have had to pass torches on to grandparents and leave the evening up to dad a few times (can't lie the up to dad part is worrisome), while taking off shopping in the states (grandma rock's the elf just fine btw)!

my elf elly is on the girls side 90% of the time and on mine 10% of the time. i play the role of disliking the elf because of her love for the girls (and her being so messy!), i have threatened to return her almost every year, back to santa that is. it's high stakes drama and the kids look forward to it, actually BEG me to have her back.  

none of this is by the book but nor am i.  

my elf came from an old spanish 70's doll that i found in the thrift shop because the real ones were sold out.  i did acquire a real one for dirt cheap at the end of one season and decided it should join in as an elf in training the following year. last year i found a bigger version of elly (again a spanish doll), she too will be participating this year.   perhaps i might need an elf intervention (and a leather purse intervention while we are at it)!

the images below are not in order but i have been doing this for five years!   i hope something about them inspires you to start your own family tradition, in your own way. because you want to... not because you should!


here's a elf on the shelf community fb page if you want to watch elly &co's adventures this tear and participate with posts!
