Let’s get this out of the way, I'm not tall...not even close.  12 year olds are taller!

I'm Portuguese, that explains the height thing.

I've been married for over two decades (insert wide eyes).

I have TWO NOT SO young ladies anymore and they remind me everyday to slow down and savour the moments (in between the crazy & the yelling, and crazy & the yelling). 

Do not ask me any important questions till I've had a coffee!

I have the ability to stump spell check, hashtag dyslexic thinker!

I’m a gin lover (I don't discriminate tho if a strongbow or wine is offered)

I have a healthy addiction to hot peppers, thrift shops and chips (I love the chippies). Because of this said chip addiction I've decided to go chip free, it's been over 5 years. See miracles do happen, but I do still eat tortilla, kale and parsnip chips.

I’m a oversharer on instagram stories.

Not a fan of smoking, sneezing/ hiccups, people that have bad attitudes, and loud mufflers.

I LOVE cuddling with my girls.  It's the best feeling ever and since their Bigger now, I savour it even more!

I think all children's art should be framed, on walls, EVERYWHERE!

I' have been know to cus, a lot.


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