picnic in the park 2015 | Klutch Photography | Vancouver family photographer

my weekend was packed with friends, family and celebrations...loved every busy minute of it !

on saturday of that fun packed weekend, i got to spend an hour photographing and video clipping this picnic in the park event (hosted by the panorama neighbourhood association)!

they did such an amazing job, so proud to be a photographer living and working in this community! 





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large pumpkin envy strikes surrey kids | Klutch Photography |Surrey family photographer

we were at the PP today with numerous children (that we know) and yet only MY kids were the only ones trying to push pull and carry the LARGEST fuck'n pumpkins home...in the words of my husband "good luck with that", it's only 3k to get back to the truck.




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just my thoughts |Klutch Photography | Surrey family photographer

for only a moment i'm granted permission into these complicatedly beautiful families, full of fun, laughter and dynamics... i observe,

i laugh,

i, for a few moments see your shells come off,

i see you and not your social persona,

i see the "isms" of your family,

i see the good, the bad, the beautiful and i want to document all of it,

i see you shining like a diamond, not your flaws or insecurities,

i'm there yet not...hiding in a way, waiting to snatch that split second of a moment that may never come again,

i see it in black and white but i don't dislike colour,

i see the beauty in the ordinary, in the odd and the imperfect,

i see your life unscripted.






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