just my thoughts |Klutch Photography | Surrey family photographer

for only a moment i'm granted permission into these complicatedly beautiful families, full of fun, laughter and dynamics... i observe,

i laugh,

i, for a few moments see your shells come off,

i see you and not your social persona,

i see the "isms" of your family,

i see the good, the bad, the beautiful and i want to document all of it,

i see you shining like a diamond, not your flaws or insecurities,

i'm there yet not...hiding in a way, waiting to snatch that split second of a moment that may never come again,

i see it in black and white but i don't dislike colour,

i see the beauty in the ordinary, in the odd and the imperfect,

i see your life unscripted.






need more life unscripted...