"A family that laser tags together, stays together" | Kluctch Photography | Vancouver Family Photographer

Family Day in BC, for some it’s just another paid day off but to our family, we take our annual Lazer tag outing quite serious. We’re quite a competitive family (me being the best loser of the bunch, obviously because I'm usually the loser amongst us, duh). For the last three years, we headed to Planet laser, It's fairly close to home which makes things easy. Their battlefield is large and full great “hiding spaces” and blue lights, think white shiny teeth (which always reminds me of a bar, remember those days!)

If your competitive AF, where runners and a tank top. if you're not sweating you're not working hard enough, lol! Or maybe it’s my I’m middle-aged and I sweat at night and now I ‘m sweating all the dam time now…I don’t know but I’m sticking with the “you're not working hard enough” statement for now! Why not have fun and get a workout in at the same time.

PRO tip, pay attention to the guy in the beginning, he explains how your gear works, I forgot to “listen” and for the first half of the first game, I couldn’t get my gun to work! WHY, cus I fucking squirrelled and didn’t hear him say HOLD these buttons down while your shooting. Yeah, (insert head shake), also you're understanding why I’m the loser of the bunch, normally!)

You never know how the teams are going to work, some games it's a free-for-all every man for themselves, and others you’re organized in teams of colour…so basically you may never be with your family. Which makes for some pretty funny dynamics. There’s a lot of pregame hand shaking deals going down, “I won’t tag you if you don’t tag me” (AMARA ALWAYS DOES ANYWAY, f’n trader!). We usually do three rounds of tag and that seems to be about perfect for our crew.

In the end, there’s a lot of laughs, sweat and bragging rights. We wrap it up with some dinner out. A pretty much perfect “Family Day” in my books. Oh, and by the way, I pulled it together and beat the kids on the last two rounds!! #WINNING feels good!

I would highly recommend laser tag as a family sport, I mean activity!

Family Day 2020 in BC! This is our third year hitting up Planet Lazer for our family day outing shooting people with lasers. It doesn't get old and it never ...

In need of a family photography session? Check out Klutch Photography’s Life Unscripted Session


A Playland virgin no more | Klutch Photography |Vancouver family photographer

saturday's are prime photography shooting days but this saturday i had a shift in my schedule allowing my to have it off this weekend- that meant a family day! the hubby suggested PLAYLAND - i'm was in!!  i'm 41 (almost 42) and have never been there (oh the gasp and shock, i know right!) and after living in vancouver for more then 15 years i was due for my "cherry" to be popped.

kids were pumped, both of them came home early from their sleepovers to hit the road.  we were off. the car ride itself was like a roller coaster warm up as my husband drives like a fucking Italian race car driver causing all of us (at times) to have bouts of nausea and dizziness. once we parked i mentioned  "we can go home now, i've done all the rides i can handle...it's like playland before playland"!

he was not amused. ya, well try being your passenger greg!

playland was DEAD. it was awesome. there was almost no waits and all three of my children were beasts (my hubby is the third child by the way)!!  ride after ride.  fucking maniacs. i loved it because i got to stand back and document...everyone was happy!

now i did go on one ride, the wood roller coaster, i thought it would be OK.  After the ride was over che' summed it right up...

 "dad, mom was so embarrassing! she kept screaming bleep, bleep, bleep, bleeping hate you all, when is this bleeping ride over- the whole time"!!

it's save to say, i sounded like i had violent tourettes during that stupid, not strapped well in my opinion, sat in the very back, 50+ year old coaster. nope, no more coaster for me folks.

