the visit...

being from the european descent means having a maid is not allowed (it's in our birth contract...somewhere in the small print). but seriously, talk to almost any euro (portuguese, italian, greek....etc) and we can't manage passing on control of the cleaning to sounds good in our heads (a clean house, done by someone else...yes, i think that's a great idea).  the hard reality of it…we are control freaks and we couldn't handle it if it wasn't done "our way".  so, where am i going with this?...well the house doesn't clean itself and my husband (god bless him) is a disaster when it comes to cleaning, so it's left to me!  everyday, all day, i could clean and re-clean at the expense of my children's time with me. it happens more than i would like to admit, BUT every once in a while my mothers voice (and accent) visits my thoughts and reminds me "daana, dare ownly baabiess four soo loong" (dina, their only babies for so long).  so today i made a choice (an easy one) to DWELL. dwell in their humor, in their cockeyed crazy conversations, in their baby faces and join in on the nothingness that makes them children without a worry. today i just dwelled and it felt right. i can't do it everyday, and if i did it wouldn't be as special (not to mention rats and other rodents would hang out in the mess of a house i would have), but today i was the mommy horse to amara and i helped che' make "burrito dinner rolls" and i became a vacuum monster to the both of them!

thanks mom for popping by today...