You only have 18 summers with your children, how will you remember them? | Klutch Photography | Vancouver Family Photographer

As a mom I know how quickly children grow, change and move on from their  favourite toys or pastimes. It moves so fast from stuffies to graduation but  what hits home to me is you only have 18 summers with your kids before they are adults, read that again and it really hits home doesn't it!

Makes me want to document more, videotape more and hold on a little tighter because it's the truth. 18 summers is not a lot and I only have 7 left with one child and 9 left with my other!

Please don't keep waiting to get your memories captured, if you've been wanting to get family photos done, just do it. Make this be the summer you capture your littles and yourselves with them before there no longer little.

Hire a photographer, whether it be me or another wonderful photographer  you connect with but don't wait another year. Your kids certainly don't care if your 10lbs overweight or that your hairs to short!

 And let's talk about the elephant in the room the cost!? Do you ever sit back and think about the money you spent on your wedding or your children's birthday parties? Probably not, but I bet you do look at the memories captured and gush at that priceless memory (as I do).

The cost of your photography sessions will fade into the other costs of living, just like food, clothing and your mortgage.

Btw, I provide three-month payment plans for most of my digital package offerings, if you need or want that option! 

You only have 18 summers with your children, don't wait another summer to document your family. Make your memories as valuable as your car and your home because, in reality, they're far more important than either of them.  




Currently booking limited July & September summer sessions, contact for details.