Smash Theatre Dress Rehearsal of The little Mermaid | Klutch Photography| Vancouver family Photographer

This year we decided to put the girls into Smash Theatre to let all of their DRAMA drain out of there overly dramatic selfs on Friday nights.

We've waiting all year for this moment when an entire gaggle of kids from different classes throughout the week get wrangled in by Sheila the magician (owner, and one kind & talented lady). 

She's the mastermind behind the show with some killer assistants to help make the charming classic of a play happen. I have the honour of capturing "Cast two" this year and while I was there on Tuesday, I thought a little video was in order to document this epic event for all these kiddos!


Btw-My two are  mermaid sisters!




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What does a family session look like?

Living Her Passion | Klutch Photography | Vancouver family photographer

when i was a kid i was just like amara (my youngest), JUST like her! i played with nothing and always made it into something. my mind wandered with great stories and i struggled in school with a processing issue. the one thing i loved and still do to this day is to act, to be in character. theres something about the hiding under a cloak of a different persona that works for me...and amara apparently.


i never got this chance when i was her age, to live a passion of mine. it's certainly not a money thing, as in auditions when she's older but a love of it kind of thing!  it's the adrenaline rush of being on stage, the applause and nailing your performance. you just can't explain the feeling.

this is her fifth play with EJS. her role this time is alice in the BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER. you may remember it with this line... 


Imogene Herdman: I'm going to be Mary in the Christmas play. And if you try to be, or raise your arm, you'll wish you didn't.

Alice Wendlekin: I'm always Mary in the Christmas play.

Imogene Herdman: Go ahead then. And next spring when the pussy-willows come out, I'm going to stick a pussy-willow so far down your ear where nobody can reach it. And it'll sit there and grow and grow and grow so for the rest of your life, there'll be a pussy-willow bush growing out of your ear.


She had a HUGE amount of lines compared to her last few plays. she had to practiced her ass off and it payed off. she did a great job, so proud of her commitment. i'm not sure where this might take her in life or whether her love of acting will change but for now she's living her passion.

with a little $$$ help from us of course and I now get that whole living through your child thing!  





here's the youtube link to the movie -Best Christmas Pageant Ever

were not permitted to take any images during the play due to copyright but this is my lady after we picked her up from backstage.