arthur, the unwanted third child.

amara, got arthur last thursday from preschool as part of their learning or playing or piss mom off program...I'm not sure which it is but regardless we get to keep him for a whole week.  I thought he would sit in "his" bag after amara's initial excitement wore off  BUT nope, he has become a real pain in the a** !  as a (society persuaded) good mother i bring him with us (everywhere but today it was walmart).  amara has him try on my bra in the fitting room (no photo's of that, thank god right!), he then tries on all of my swimsuit discards (sadly, I think he looked better then me!?), he needs a nap or so she says but NOT in the cart (it's too hard of a surface?),  we need to lay him down somewhere "cozy". i'm also requested to keep photographing "them together" as though he is a celebrity and will soon make the cover of people magazine headline reading "ARTHUR" from the hit cartoon " ARTHUR" is currently living with "MISS AMARA EDEN", or so sources say, exclusive story on page 17 (PS. never tell a  three year old that their stuffy is not real, funny or NOT a part of the family... this is not at all recommended when you are looking to have a smooth running day)!  amara is now demanding that the cashier scan "him" through the register and have him be placed in a grocery bag!  the lady was trying to tell her that he won't scan and i just look at her and give her a head shake (the short, nose scrunched don't bother kind) and tell her to "pretend, if you don't mind" (mamma needs to get on with the day here!).  amara rides in the cart with arthur in bag, she is pleased.

there will be a sad parting tomorrow for one of us...but for now it's time to write some memoirs (as i have been instructed to do by her teachers) of arthur's short life with us and pass him on to the next unsuspecting mother!  wine please.